
This is an overview of all templates used in this theme. Feel free to arrange, edit and modify them as you like. Most templates include optional fields (only visible when filled with content) and have dynamic spaces at the top and bottom.

Hero Header Template

Two-part hero section. On the left with a headline H1, subline and a button. On the right with an image in front of a background image. It can be changed (e.g. to video, animation or colored background) in the column settings of the template.

Please enter a Headline

Please enter a subline

Phone Image


Blocks are ready-to-use sections. They consist of other smaller templates like for example several panel templates. You can edit the content in the template. Click on “edit template” to edit panel contents. Copy or delete columns there to add or erase panels. Some blocks contain post overviews which you can control with the respective post type.

Block – Design process

Static template – Click on “edit template” to edit panel contents. Copy or delete columns there to add or erase panels.

Please enter a Headline

Kick-off workshop

Let us talk about your expectations, define goals and find the right KPIs to measure success.

Target group definition

Together we will define your target groups and identify the best channels to reach them.

Your web appearance

We create stunning websites and landing pages to stage your business.

Social Media

We find the right style of communication to reach your customers.


Unique ads will catch your customer's attention on various channels.


Based on the defined KPIs, we will regularly review and improve our strategy.

Block – Services

Static template – Click on “edit template” to edit panel contents. Copy or delete columns there to add or erase panels.


  • USP definition

  • Channel identification

  • Brand Strategy

  • Buyer Personas

  • Content Strategy

Content creation
  • Websites

  • Photo / video production

  • Text creation

  • Web development

  • Data Analytics

  • Shop integration

  • Monitoring

Block – Portfolio

Projects added to the Dynamic Post Type “Portfolio“ (WordPress menu on the left) are automatically added here. The latest project in each category is displayed. To change the posts to be displayed click on “edit template” and open the post overview block. To change the layout of the blog posts itself, open the single template type “Portfolio“.

Please enter a Headline

Customer A

New corporate website for our customer.

Customer B

Corporate design creation for a start-up

Customer C

Brand workshop for a new branch


Tile Template – Text & Lists

Linkable panels with a headline, text or bullet list and link button. Click on “edit template” to change the hover effect in the content box settings.


Please enter copy text


Please enter copy text

Please enter your Headline
  • Please enter a bulletpoint

  • Please enter a bulletpoint

Tile Template – Image & Text

Linkable tile template used in the post overview block of the news section. It includes an image, headline, text and link button. To change the hover effect, click on “edit template” and open the content box settings.

GREYD Theme Image


Please enter copy text

Other Templates

Separator Headline & Subline with CTA Template

Separator with Headline (H3), subline and up to 2 buttons.

Please enter a Headline

Please enter a Subline

Content – Testimonial Tile

The Query Block Template is used to display the testimonials and can be used with the Post Overview block.

Testimonial photo

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.

John Doe, Example Manager

Simple Image Tile

The Query Block Template is used to display the customer logos and can be used with the Post Overview block.

Example Logo

Customer A

Conversion Element Template

Conversion section with background. On the left with a headline, text (subline) and 3 bullet points. On the right with a form. Click on “edit template” to change the background (column settings) or the number of bullet points (list block).

Please enter a Headline

Please enter a Subline

  • Please enter a bulletpoint

  • Please enter a bulletpoint

  • Please enter a bulletpoint

Formular überspringen

Contact Form

Die E-Mail-Adresse sollte ein ‘@’-Zeichen und eine gültige Domain mit einem Punkt enthalten.
Formular übersprungen